Famous Last Words: Week 4

Reading for this week:
I did both readings this week, and I actually really enjoyed my readings about Siddhartha's story.  The more in-depth details on that are in my reading notes, but I think I was more excited to write about it.  I found that I really enjoy writing the microfictions, they're concise and don't require too much depth, but prompt A LOT of thinking for the reader compared to normal writings.  I really liked elaborating on Siddhartha and what different people in that story might have been thinking with the 100 word stories.  

Writing for this week:
I talked about my other story earlier because I also really liked my extra credit microfiction this week.  I wasn't really able to get the message across as I would have liked, but hopefully I can revise it and come up with a better way to word it in the future.  I wrote it about "invisible things" like emotions and secrets and feelings being mistaken as signs of weakness.  But they're also one of the main things that adds to our complexity and separates us from other species, so doesn't that make it one of our greatest strengths?

Other people's writing:
I figured I was going to keep going through the random sorter to find posts to comment on, but the other day I found some classmates with writing styles that I really enjoyed, so I think I'm going to visit their pages in the future and see what other writings they come up with.  

Other classes:
Well all of my other classes are STEM and statistics, so I haven't noticed any connections to this class so far, but I'm enjoying all of my classes!  I do wish I had some regular lectures to at least feel a sense of normalcy, but this is obviously the safest option right now.  

Outside of school:
Not much has happened outside of school since I'm essentially quarantining with all my online classes.  I picked up an extra shift to help out a friend?  That's probably the most eventful thing that's happened this week. The shift is 12 hours long and there was essentially no one at the hospital until recently because it was so early, so I have tons of time to knock out these readings and stories!  

Studying (2020), Image Source

Next week:
I seriously need to get going on my self studying for the MCAT.  I've been struggling with finding adequate time in addition to being fully online and working long shifts like these, but hopefully I can work far enough ahead to kind of get the ball rolling.  So much of my studying is on-the-go or at work since I don't want to waste a full day just working, but it sucks that MCAT studying isn't really something I can do remotely.  I almost always have to study in combination with something else, so it's been difficult to find time outside of normal classes where I can sit down and completely commit to one topic.


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