Famous Last Words, Week 7

 Reading for this week: I've literally been waiting for the Asia/Africa units to come up so I was excited to the say the least! I found a lot of stories that I likes during week 1 when we were exploring the textbook, that I even wrote reading notes about a couple of my other favorites in previous weeks for the alternative assignments.

Writing for this week: I had a lot of fun with my storybook writing this week! Normally I'm pretty short and concise with my writing, so I've been sticking to a lot of microfictions and was worried about writing my first long story in a while.  I was surprised to find that I actually needed to cut down my story to make it fall within the word limits!

Writing from others: This is the first week that a lot of people had stories posted on their storybooks of portfolios, and they were amazing.  Everyone came up with such different concepts, it's crazy how differently we all think! I'm excited to read to storybooks in later weeks once idea start getting tied together across multiple writings, I'm curious to see how everyone will tie their concepts together.

Other classes: This past week was my first week after midterms, so it was nice to go back to a normal schedule after 2 weeks of exams.  Unfortunately the next set of midterms are in another 2 weeks and I am not a fan of online exams.  My laptop gave me a scare of crashing in the middle of an exam last week with 20 minutes left and I have not felt such fight or flight instincts in a while after being in quarantine for the past several months.  

Outside of school: My sister and I started a new project of painting our favorite piece on out living room mirror! It's a giant mirror that we got for free from the previous owner of the house, and we're in the process of recreating The Dance by Matisse, who is one of my favorite artists!  I can already tell its going to take a long time, but I'm excited!  We're also thinking of investing in a rug tufting stapler to make our own rug for our living room.  I don't know where we manifested the idea that we have the time for all of these projects, but it's the first time we've lived together in a long time, so its been fun!

Next week: I think the reason why I was so unproductive this past week was because all of my friends in grad school (which is all of my friends now that I don't live in Norman) were recovering from their exams from the previous week.  However, the next 2 weeks are finals for them, so hopefully I will be peer pressured into being productive again (although I still need to learn how to be productive on my own accord)!

The Dance by Matisse, Source


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